4 responses to “Progress MS-07 departure from ISS

  1. Hello! Do you have plans to make a big falcon rocket papercraft? I would love that, please keep me informed

    • Hi. Yes, the BFR is being designed. The tank and legs configuration (Hopper) will be released soon. Check my website in a couple of days.

  2. Hello Alfonso, I’m Thoriq, it’s nice for me to know and greet you.
    I’m from Indonesia and a student who puts a lot of interest and enthusiasm with everything related to space.
    Currently I’m building your great ISS paper model, but as every person would get when doing a work, there should be some obstacles which detains and resists me when constructing the model.
    So if you don’t mind, could you provide your WhatsApp phone number so that I can contact you and consult problems I face when making your models? It would be nice of you if could provide me that, you can send your number via private message on Facebook messenger, I’ve also left you there a message. (Thoriq Rahmat).
    Please get back to me as soon as possible. Thanks a lot!

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